Sunday, May 6, 2012

Update and upcoming fundraiser

Just wanted to let people in on what's new.  First, we are number 87 on our waitlist for Ethiopia.  That moves us up a spot, but unfortunately it isn't because there was a referral.  It seems that several families have dropped out.  Sadly, there has only been one referral in 2012 so far.  Praying for many soon.  So...because of this, our wait time has been increased to 2 years (10-12 months when we got on the list).  THis was a painful reality to hear, although we knew it was coming.  Jason and I decided we couldn't see ourselves waiting another 2+ years, so we decided to speak to our homestudy agency about domestic adoption.  They were kind enough to give us a domesic homestudy for a small fraction of what it would normally cost.  I want to stress that we are NOT out of the Ethiopia program.  Our goal is to have an adoption as we wait for our referral from Ethiopia.  Obviously this will mean more money and a different set of concerns and stresses, but we feel like it's what we need to do.  We have already been offered two potential matches (the first birth mother did not choose us, and the second was a situation we were not comfortable with, so we opted to not be shown).  But that was all within a month of being in the domestic program, so we are hoping, and should, have a match within the year (all of the families with our agency have been matched well within that).  We will keep you posted.  Thank you for your support, it wouldn't be possible with out our amazing friends and family.

And on another note, the possibilty of two adoptions makes our yard sale fundraiser that much more important!  It is going to be on May 26 and 27.  Those of you who have been kind enough to hang on to items for us, now is the time to think of arranging for pick up or drop off :)  Our garage is full and the house is filling up to!  It's been amazing how generous people have been!  Please let me know if you have items you'd like to donate!  Also, if you want to help out, we have several friends lined up, but the growing amount of stuff is getting scary and the thought of how we'll manage it all is mind boggling!  If nothing else, remember we will be celebrating at the end of the day Saturday and would love to see all of you there!