Adoption Timeline

June 27, 2011:  Application approved by our agency!

July-December 2011:  Homestudy, gather paperwork, police and medical checks, online trainings, baby class, lots of money spent, etc etc :)

December 8, 2011:  FINALLY sent our dossier to the agency

December 9, 2011:  Dossier received and approved by agency!

December 15, 2011:  Dossier sent to DC for authentication by US and Ethiopian Embassy!

December 29, 2011:  Dossier returned to agency and we are officially a waiting family at number 91!!!!


March 2012 : After months of almost no referrals and unsatisfactory explanations from our agency, Jason and I decide to learn more about domestic adoption and find that much of what we thought we knew were misconeceptions.

April 2012: New homestudy done and already applied to a possible match.

June 2012:  Already applied to 3 potential situations and been presented with several more that we had to pass up.

End of June 2012:  We are chosen by a birth mom!  (note this was after only 3 months of waiting)

Spetmeber 19, 2012: Our daughter Kendall is born and all goes well with the adoption plan.  She is in our custody and we return home with her to await finalization!  She is ours!!!