Monday, July 2, 2012

We have a match!!!!

Hello friends and family!  Some of you may have been surprised to learn that we are in the process now of bringing home a baby through domestic adoption.  We made the choice to pursue domestic adoption when we learned that our Ethiopian adoption will be taking closer to three years than the 7-10 months they originally quoted us.  But let’s focus on the good, we have a match!  There is a beautiful birth mother out there who has chosen Jason and me to parent her baby girl due in September!  We don’t want to share too much of her private information online, but know that we are extremely comfortable with the situation and she is committed to carrying out this plan.

We are ready to bring this baby home emotionally and physically.  We will have everything we need by the time September hits.  As you know this is not our original adoption plan so the money Jason and I have paid so far does not apply to this situation.  If you would like to do so, we would still appreciate donations through the link on this site.  We will be bringing this little girl home regardless, but we do want to be able to bring her home in the best situation possible.  For those of you that don’t already know, our yard sale was a huge success and we appreciate everything you have all done so much!  If you want to continue to help us, we are so grateful! 

What we know for sure is this sweet baby will be so lucky to receive the love and support that you all have shown us.  We COULD NOT have gotten here without all of you!  Thank you!

Michelle and Jason

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!! We will be praying that everything goes smoothly. How exciting!!!
